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“Friend of Our Lady of the Rockies”

A donation of $1000 or more to the building fund, will ​put you on the Friends Register.


We are celebrate our anniversary as a shrine church on May 30. As of May 2021, over 100 donors have become  “Friends”. Friends help each other and we are working together to raise one million dollars to pay for three important items in our new shrine.


The first item is the Pews, where we sit to listen to the Word of God at Mass and during silent prayer, and where we kneel to adore our Eucharistic Lord.


The second item is the Parish Hall, where we will gather as a community to build fellowship and look to support the needs of our local community.


Finally, as Friends, we will pay for the three bells, that when rung call us to times of prayer and serve as a beacon of hope in the Bow Valley that God is present in the beauty of His creation.                                      Fr. Pilmaiken Lezano

Reduce the mortgage.

Help us with the operations of the Shrine

Planned Giving


Planned Giving is any type of gift that include: bequests, publicly traded securities, RRSPs and life insurance policies.

People make Planned Gifts out of a heart for generosity, answering the call to Christian Stewardship that all Catholics feel as their faith deepens. As Christian stewards, we receive God’s gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord. 

Charitable contributions to your parish or the diocese assist in Planting the Future of the church, benefitting parishioners across southern Alberta now and in the years to come.

Planned Gifts also have a practical aspect. They can help defer taxes in any given year and as part of your estate. They also make sure that your material house is in order so that the sorrow of your passing is not complicated by the burden of your estate for those you leave behind.
Often a planned gift is a way to make the gift of a lifetime that one could not otherwise afford when day-to-day life needs to be taken care of. Gifts made through a Will, life insurance policy or gift of publicly listed securities can allow you to make a very impactful and precious gift back to your community.

Please download the brochure for more information: Planting a Future

Donations may be made with the following options:

1)   Cheque or cash in weekly envelope.  If you would like to receive personalized envelopes, please call or email the church  office.  Your envelopes will be mailed to you quarterly (about every three months).  Please ensure that your contact information is correct and notify the Parish office of any changes or corrections that need to be made. 

2)  Online donations  For one time or recurring donations, see forms above.

3)   Tap Machine  At the back of the church is a debit/credit card machine for use before or after mass. 


4)  E-Transfers can be made at  Please add your full name, address and postal code in          the comments to get a tax receipt.

5)   Auto Debit - Fill out this pad agreement and include a void cheque.   Please do not email for security reasons.  Drop the form and void cheque off at the office.   Debited from your account on the 18th of the month.

6)    Credit Card  For one time or recurring donation, fill out this pledge card.  Please do not email form for security reasons.  Drop it off at our office.   

Please specify which fund you want to support and the amount.

1) Regular Donations - Ongoing monthly operational expenses of the parish.

2) TIA - Ongoing support of our Diocesan initiatives. 

3) Building Fund - Help pay for our new shrine church.

Tax Receipts

Receipts are issued annually in late January or February for your church contributions.  Receipts may be picked up at the church, emailed or mailed out to you for the previous year’s donations.

© 2021 by The Shrine Church of our Lady of the Rockies, 2 Silvertip Trail, Canmore, Alberta Canada 403.678.5022  Created with

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