The Shrine Church of
Our Lady of the Rockies

Pilgrim Drop In Times
The Shrine Church is open for private prayer and devotion, see below
for dates and times. Due to Masses, Weddings and other Sacramental celebrations on the weekends, there are no guaranteed times for private prayer and devotion, though if the church doors are open and no celebrations are taking place, you are welcome to visit the church.
Out of courtesy to others, please observe reverent silence during these
scheduled times of private prayer and devotion.
Out of courtesy to the availability of our volunteer tour guides,
please register for a tour. -
Free will offerings are greatly appreciated for the ongoing operational costs of the Shrine Church and are necessary for us to remain open to the public.
NOTE: The Shrine is closed for drop ins during Weddings
and Baptisms.
Interested in a tour? Click here for dates & times.
See Calendar for other events.