The Shrine Church of
Our Lady of the Rockies

Most Holy Trinity
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit
Tuesday, June 6, 5:00 pm Mass
For the intentions of the Bartley Family
Mass intention by Marta Bartley
Wednesday, June 7, 12:150 a m Mass
For the intentions of Ted and Wendy Parsons
Mass intention by Val & Dale Heath
Thursday, June 8, 12:15 pm Mass
For the intentions of Jody Bell
Mass intention by Val & Dale Heath
Friday, June 9, 8:30 am Mass
For the repose of the souls in purgatory
Saturday, June 10, 9:30 am Mass
For the repose of the soul of Laurie Bell
Mass intention by Val & Dale Heath
Saturday, June 10, 5:00 pm Mass
For the intentions of Fr. Mirek Kosterzewski
Mass intention by Barb Prospero
Sunday, June 11, 9:30 am Mass
For the intentions of the people
Sunday, June 11, 11:30 am Mass
For the intentions if Frank Levstik
Mass intention by Val & Dale Heath
Sunday, June 11, 5:00 pm Mass
For the repose of the soul of Rufina Mika
Mass intention by Marimon Lucidine