The Shrine Church of
Our Lady of the Rockies
June, 2022
Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes
June 16, 2022
Attendance: Father Pilmaiken, Peter Perren; David Curry, Karl Wahl; Vijay Domingo, Serge Quimette;
Absent: Jane McEachern, Valerie Heath
1. Peter Perren opened meeting with a prayer.
2. Father Pilmaiken Comments:
a. welcomed everyone and asked for introductions;
b. Father wanted us to know that he goes by “Father Mike”;
c. stated he looked forward to working with parish council and had lots of ideas on how to move forward now that covid is finished and that’s it’s important to create more defined roles within the parish to support him in his ministry;
d. Father stated that he is concerned about the donation box not being adequately secured and that it would be easy for someone to come in and grab the entire box and run off with it.
i. The council members agreed that this should be considered, and we will bring ideas for discussion at the next meeting.
e. Suggested that it is time to start proceeding with passing the basket for collection every Sunday mass and asked when we should begin this process?
i. Serge stated and All council members agreed that we should begin this process as soon as possible.
ii. Dave stated that our church opened up at the start of covid and thus there was no carry over from the previous parish structure, so we are starting a normal parish stewardship from scratch. Thus, we need to start recruiting ushers, collectors basically every aspect of parish stewardship from scratch.
iii. As it was Bob Brisky who ran the collectors previously, Father will contact him to see if he can give us some guidance.
f. Father reported that he contacted LOTS to ask for extra cleaning for a large contingent of students and was informed that LOTS only cleans the church on Mondays and that there is no established or contract cleaners that can be used in situations like this. Possibly develop a maintenance committee. Father indicated this situation should be monitored and evaluated in the future.
g. Father stated he would like to build a body of volunteers for the shrine for weekdays and weekends.
h. Tours will be starting, and we need to start asking for volunteers for tours.
3. Dave – There will be filming for tours in the fall. Participants, Father Nathan, Father Pilmaiken, Father Wilbert and possibly Father Bryan.
4. There will be farewell celebration for Annie the accountant sometime in July.
5. Vijay will be running a pancake breakfast July 10th.
6. July 14th next parish council meeting we will show the movie “Bridge of roses”
7. Adult Ministry workshops will begin again in the fall.
8. It was decided that we will continue parish council meeting through the summer. Next meeting dates. July 14th and August 18th.