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March 2022


Thursday, March 17, 2022 – 7:00 pm in the Upper Room

Attendance: Father Nathan Siray, Dave Curry, Peter Perren, Marta Bartley, Vijay Domingo, Val Heath, Serge Ouimette, Michelle Danvers, Richard Veronneau, and Ada Veronneau

Prayer: Val Heath opened with the St. Joseph Defender of Life Prayer.

Minutes: Moved by Vijay and seconded by Peter to accept the minutes from the last meeting.

Pastor’s Report:

Holy Week:

  • Sign up for lectors during holy week already on the website. Should we have sign up for foot washing on Thursday?

  • We will set up the altar of repose in the hall until midnight on Holy Thursday.

  • On Good Friday we will have outdoor way of the cross up the paved pathway behind Shrine.

  • We can begin the Divine Mercy Novena on Good Friday after 3:00 pm Mass. Fr. Nathan to give details later.

  • Thursday night is the work party for decorating Easter Eggs to be distributed on Sunday.

  • Sunday, May 29th Mass will be held at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Calgary which Lady of Cape sisters will attend. After that Mass they will bring the “Our Lady of Cape” statue out to Canmore to the Shrine. The evening will conclude with a catered social in the hall.

  • Monday, May 30th 7:00 pm Mass to celebrate the Shrine’s Dedication and the 75th Anniversary of the Consecration of Canada to Our Lady Mary. Either before or after the Monday Mass, we plan a Rosary Procession around the Shrine. Dave will ask to borrow a statue carrier from Calgary parishes. Dave offered to film the procession.

  • Vijay offered to have Cornerstone cater the social. We should send out invitations to social.

  • The First Communion celebration will be Sunday, June 19th (Father’s Day).

Saint Vincent de Paul

· Met on Saturday, February 26 with Fr. Nathan, Jan Curry, Jane McEachern, Rimma Goodfellow and Karen Hemstock from OLS School.

· Talked about history and current situation as they no longer have enough resources to lead SVDP.

· Met on Wednesday, March 23 with Calgary Central president, South particular president, Fr. Nathan, Jan and Jane on how to get the OLR SVDP reactivated and advice on how to start.

· Meeting scheduled with Brian West, Jan Curry, Fr. Nathan and Jane to get more background on previous council March 31.

· Will meet with the Canmore Food Bank next week when Jane returns with Jan to see what their needs are and how the local SVDP can help. Are school food drives enough?

· Will approach Crossroads to inquire about collaboration.

Annual Work Plan

· Ada will prepare a calendar of Parish events for Parish Council to use for upcoming business.

· Richard will show Dave the Upcoming Events on Website which has all events archived. In come cases, only the date needs to be changed.

· Val remembers the Banff Christmas Dinner was much appreciated. Seasonal workers and those far from home for Christmas were invited and given a Christmas dinner, stockings and gifts.

· Val also suggests doing something for Mother’s Day. Sell carnations or roses. If someone is willing to donate flowers, then we can give them out at Masses for Mother’s Day.

· Asked us to advertise “Hike for Life” in Calgary and “March for Life” in Edmonton. She will bring information into the office.

Prayer: Richard (read his volunteer letter) and Fr. Nathan

Next meeting: Thursday, April 21, 2022, at 7:00 pm

© 2021 by The Shrine Church of our Lady of the Rockies, 2 Silvertip Trail, Canmore, Alberta Canada 403.678.5022  Created with

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