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Our Lady of the Rockies pilgrim’s Devotion

Our Lady of the Rockies pilgrim’s devotion is made up of ten prayers that are offered at different locations within the Shrine Church

Our Lady of the Rockies pilgrim’s Devotion

Our Lady of the Rockies pilgrim’s Devotion

Our Lady of the Rockies pilgrim’s devotion is made up of ten prayers that are offered at different locations within the Shrine Church. Please maintain a spirit of prayerful recollection and sacred silence when undertaking this devotion.

1) Stand/kneel before the Front Entrance of the Church. Pray 1 Our Father.

2) To the Glory of God the Father. Stand/kneel before the doors leading into the Nave of the Church. Pray 1 Hail Mary.

3) To the Glory of God the Son. Stand/kneel before the steps leading up to the Altar and Sanctuary Gate Crucifix. Pray 1 Hail Mary.

4) To the Glory of God the Holy Spirit. Stand/kneel before the Baptismal Font. Pray 1 Hail Mary.

5) To the Honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Stand/kneel before the statue of Holy Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth. Pray 1 Hail Mary.

6) To the Honour of St. Joseph and the Communion of Saints. Stand/kneel before the statue of the Death of St. Joseph. Pray1 Hail Mary.

7) To the Honour of Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael and the Heavenly Choirs of Angels. Kneel before the Tabernacle and the two Adoring Angels. Pray 1 Hail Mary.

8) For the Intentions of the Holy Father and the Holy Catholic Church, The Mystical Body of Christ. Stand/kneel before the statue of St. Catherine of Siena in the Rosary Chapel. Pray 1 Hail Mary.

9) For the repose of the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Stand/kneel in the Columbarium. Pray 1 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, etc.

10) In thanksgiving to Our Lady of the Rockies. Stand/kneel in the centre of the main aisle. Turn and look at Nave Wall Paintings of the Life of Our Lady. Turn again towards the Stained Glass Window of Our Lady of the Rockies and pray:

O God, who made the Mother of your Son to be our Mother and our Queen, graciously grant, that, sustained by her intercession, we may attain in the heavenly Kingdom the glory promised to your children.

Our Lady of the rockies, pray for us

© 2021 by The Shrine Church of our Lady of the Rockies, 2 Silvertip Trail, Canmore, Alberta Canada 403.678.5022  Created with

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