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The Little Crown of the Blessed Virgin Mary Chaplet

A chaplet recited in honor of the 12 stars in Our Lady’s heavenly crown, as mentioned in Revelation 11:19-12:1:

The Little Crown of the Blessed Virgin Mary Chaplet

The Little Crown of the   Blessed Virgin Mary Chaplet

The "Little Crown of the Blessed Virgin Mary" is a chaplet   recited in honor of the 12 stars in Our Lady’s heavenly crown, as mentioned   in Revelation 11:19-12:1:

"Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and the ark of his   covenant was seen within his temple; and there were flashes of lightning,   rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake, and heavy hail. A great   portent appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under   her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars."

This vision of the Ark of the Covenant seen in heaven is held by the   Catholic Church to be the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. Her starry   crown symbolizes her Queenship of heaven and earth (as well as of the 12   tribes of Israel and the 12 Apostles) and her many graces.

The Little Crown chaplet consists of one Our Father   and four Hail Marys prayed three times, making a total of 12 Hail Marys—one   for each star in her crown. From the 17th century in France these three   repetitions were seen as honoring Mary’s “Three Crowns,” a crown of Excellence,   Power, and Goodness. This had a deep influence on the spirituality   of St. Louis de Montfort who promoted this chaplet, with the addition of his   own prayers and praises, as contained in his book True Devotion to Mary, which is reproduced below.

Introductory Prayer  

Allow me to praise you, O Holy Virgin,  Give me strength against your enemies.  

I The Crown of Excellence  To honor the Divine Maternity of the Blessed Virgin, her ineffable Virginity,  her purity without stain, and her innumerable virtues. 

Our Father, who art in heaven …  

1. Hail Mary, full of grace …  

Blessed are you, O Virgin Mary, who bore the Lord, the Creator of the  world;  

you did give birth to Him Who made you and remain a Virgin forever. 

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary;  

Rejoice a thousand times!  

2. Hail Mary, full of grace …  

O holy and immaculate Virgin, I know not with what praise to extol you,  

since you did bear in your womb the very One Whom the Heavens  cannot contain.  

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary;  

Rejoice a thousand times! 

3. Hail Mary, full of grace …  

You are all fair, O Virgin Mary,  

and there is no stain in you.  

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary;  

Rejoice a thousand times! 

4. Hail Mary, full of grace …  

Thy virtues, O Virgin,  

surpass the stars in number.  

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary;  

Rejoice a thousand times! 

Glory be to the Father …  

II. The Crown of Power  To honor the royalty of the Blessed Virgin, her magnificence, her  universal mediation and the strength of her rule.  

Our Father, who art in heaven …  

5. Hail Mary, full of grace …    

Glory be to you, O Empress of the world!  

Bring us with you to the joys of Heaven.  

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary;  

Rejoice a thousand times! 

6. Hail Mary, full of grace …  

Glory be to you, O treasure house of the Lord's graces!  

Grant us a share in your riches. 

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary;  

Rejoice a thousand times! 

7. Hail Mary, full of grace …  

Glory be to you, O Mediatrix between God and man!  

Through you may the Almighty be favorable to us.  

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary;  

Rejoice a thousand times! 

 8. Hail Mary, full of grace …  

Glory be to you who destroys heresies and crushes demons!  

Be our loving guide. 

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary;  

Rejoice a thousand times! 

Glory be to the Father …  

III The Crown of Goodness To honor the mercy of the Blessed Virgin toward sinners, the poor, the  just, and the dying.  

Our Father, who art in heaven …  

9. Hail Mary, full of grace …  

Glory be to you, O refuge of sinners!  

Intercede for us with God.  

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary;  

Rejoice a thousand times! 

10. Hail Mary, full of grace …  

Glory be to you, O Mother of orphans!  

Render the Almighty favorable to us.  

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary;  

Rejoice a thousand times! 

11. Hail Mary, full of grace …  

Glory be to you, O joy of the just!  

Lead us with you to the joys of Heaven.  

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary;  

Rejoice a thousand times!   

12. Hail Mary, full of grace …  

Glory be to you who are ever ready to assist us in life and death!  

Lead us with you to the kingdom of Heaven!  

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary;  

Rejoice a thousand times! 

Glory be to the Father …  

IV Concluding Prayer 

Let Us Pray.  

Hail, Mary, Daughter of God the Father;  

Hail, Mary, Mother of God the Son;  

Hail, Mary, Spouse of the Holy Ghost;  

Hail, Mary, Temple of the most Holy Trinity;  

Hail, Mary, my Mistress, my treasure, my joy, Queen of my heart;  my Mother, my life, my sweetness, my dearest hope, my heart and  my soul!  I am all yours and all that I have is yours, 

O Virgin blessed above  all things!  

Let your soul be in me to magnify the Lord;  let your spirit be in me to rejoice in God.  

Set yourself, O faithful Virgin, as a seal upon my heart, that in you  and through you I may be found faithful to God. 

Receive me, O  gracious Virgin, among those whom you love and teach, whom  you lead, nourish and protect as your children.  

Grant that for love of you I may despise all earthly consolations  and ever cling to those of Heaven until,  through you, His faithful spouse, Jesus Christ thy Son be formed  in me for the glory of the Father.  Amen.

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