The Shrine Church of
Our Lady of the Rockies

08-St Catherine of Sienna Rosary corner

"[You are] not to love Me for your own sake, or your neighbor for your own sake, but to love Me for Myself, yourself for Myself, your neighbor for Myself."
—from a divine vision to St Catherine of Siena
In a series of letters, Catherine exhorted the pope to address the problems of the church and charged him to return to Rome: "Respond to the Holy Spirit who is calling you! I tell you: Come! Come! Come! Don't wait for time because time isn't waiting for you." One year later, in 1377, after Catherine had visited with him in Avignon, Gregory XI finally returned to Rome. It was the great moment of her public life.
At the heart of Catherine's teaching was the image of a bleeding Christ, the Redeemer—ablaze with fiery charity, eager sacrifice, and unqualified forgiveness. And it was not the cross or nails that held Christ to the tree; those were not strong enough to hold the God-Man. It was love that held him there. She records God's words to her: "My son's nailed feet are a stair by which you can climb to his side, where you will see revealed his inmost heart. For when the soul has … looked with her mind's eye into my son's opened heart, she begins to feel the love of her own heart in his consummate and unspeakable love."
Catherine died in Rome in 1380 at the age of 33. She was canonized in 1461 and in 1970, St Paul VI declared her a Doctor of the Church.
The Four Frontals
These frontals are from a high altar and communion rail from a former church near Chicago. These panels depict the Visitation, the Nativity, the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, and Daily life of the Holy Family in Nazareth.
Help us to pass unscathed through the corruption of this world, and to remain unshakably faithful to the church in word, deed, and example.
Help us always to see in the Vicar of Christ an anchor in the storms of life, and a beacon of light to the harbor of your Love, in this dark night of your times and men’s souls.
Grant also to each of us our special petition . . .
(State your own intentions)
We ask this through Jesus, your Son, in the bond of the Holy Spirit.
St. Catherine of Siena, Pray for us.